Agilent/Keysight 34970A Data Acquisition / Data Logger Switch Unit 資料擷取/資料記錄切換裝置 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
☞ 此機型已停產,替代機型為DAQ973
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▶ 特點(Features):
Keysight 34970A包含一個三槽主機與一個內建的6.5位數DMM。共有8種插入式模組選項,可供您建立輕巧的資料記錄器、功能完整的資料擷取系統或低價的交換裝置。
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
R&S ZVL6 網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
☞ 直接購買:
▶ 規格(Specification):
— 頻率範圍: 9 kHz to 6 GHz
— 配置:B10—GPIB interface
B22—RF preamplifier
▶ 產地(Manufacutrer):
Keysight E5061B-3L5/005/1E5/810/820 網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
☞ 直接購買:
▶ 規格及特點(Features and Specification):
- Select the best configuration for your test needs from a wide variety of test set options: 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz/ 3 GHz, 2-port, 50 or 75 ohm, transmission/reflection or S-parameter test set
- Address a broad range of applications with the LF-RF option (Option 3L5/3L4/3L3): 5 Hz to 3 GHz, 2-port, 50 ohm, S-parameter test set, gain-phase test port, built-in DC bias source
- Combine network analysis and impedance analysis to customize your application in a single instrument (Option 3L5/3L4/3L3 plus 005)
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
Keysight E5071C-480 網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
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▶ 特點及規格(Features and Specification):
- 9 kHz to 8.5GHz
- 4-port, 50 ohm, S-parameter test set
- Improve accuracy, yield and margins with wide dynamic range 130 dB, fast measurement speed 8 ms and excellent temperature stability 0.005 dB/°C
- Obtain design confidence through complete characterization of high-speed serial interconnects with enhanced time domain analysis option
- Protect your investment with upgradability across all of the options
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
R&S ZNC3 3GHz網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
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▶ 特點及規格(Features and Specification):
- Frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHz
- Dynamic range of up to 130 dB
- Short sweep times of 11 ms for 401 points
- High temperature stability of typ. 0.01 dB/°C
- Wide power sweep range from –50 dBm to +13 dBm
- IF bandwidths from 1 Hz to 300 kHz
- Manual and automatic calibration
- Low trace noise of 0.004 dB RMS at 10 kHz IF bandwidth
- Large, high-resolution 12.1″ screen
- Touchscreen user interface
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
E5071C ENA 向量網路分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 06-2995705
熱門榜,暢銷推薦!! 備有多種配置,歡迎參觀選購!
🎯 同場加映:
Opt.: 2K5/4K5/280/285/480/485/1E5/TDR
▶ 規格及特點(Feature and Specification):
- 9kHz 至 4.5/6.5/8.5/14/20 GHz
- 2 或 4 埠,50 歐姆,S 參數測試儀
- 可改善準確性、產率和邊限,具 130 dB 的寬廣動態範圍,8 毫秒的快速量測速度,以及 0.005 dB/°C 的出色溫度穩定度
- 利用增強的時域分析選項對高速串列連結進行完整的特性分析,大幅提高設計自信度
- 所有選項皆可升級,有效保護您的投資
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
Keysight E5052B Signal Source Analyzer / 10 MHz to 7 GHz 信號源分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
☞ 直接購買:
▶ 特點及規格(Features and Specification):
Analysis capabilities
- Clock jitter measurement with femto-second resolution
- Capture of unexpected frequency change with video trigger function
- Simultaneous transient measurements for frequency, phase and power over time
- Complete VCO characterization with outstanding low-noise DC sources(frequency/power/DC-supply-current over Vc and Vs)
Noise measurement functions
- Baseband noise measurement from 1 Hz to 100 MHz
- Spectrum monitoring up to 15 MHz span in a real-time mode
- Phase noise with ultra low noise floor and a cross-correlation method
- AM noise measurement and phase noise measurement without changing RF connection
Frequency range
- RF Input frequency range: 10 MHz to 110 GHz
- Analysis offset frequency range: 1 Hz to 100 MHz
- Phase noise measurement with ultra low noise floor and a cross-correlation method
- Frequency transient capture range: up to 80 MHz in narrow band, up to 4.8 GHz in wide band
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
Keysight N9040B UXA 信號分析儀,多點觸控,2 Hz 至 50 GHz (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
主要特色與功能(Features and Specification):
- 以更寬(高達 1 GHz)、更深的視野觀測複雜信號,可看到設計的真正效能
- 憑藉超低的相位雜訊以及在 510 MHz 頻寬上高達 78 dBc 的無突波動態範圍,可量測設計的頻譜純度
- 透過是德科技智慧混頻器,可將射頻輸入頻率擴展到 110 GHz,使用協力廠商解決方案可擴展到 THz 級
- 透過無間隙的即時頻譜分析,擷取間歇性信號
- 透過改進的 DANL 低雜訊路徑,可擷取低位準突波信號
Agilent 4349B High Resistance Meter 高阻抗計 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ 主要技術規格(Specification):
- 9.5ms 量測
- 多個待測裝置的 4 頻道
- 4 頻道同時測試
- 快速觸點檢查:2 ms/點
- GPIB 與 Handler 介面
- 適合高容量電容器測試
- 直流測試電壓:未提供。使用外部電源供應器和電壓資料輸入進行電阻量測
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):