R&S SMU200A 信號產生器 (USED)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ Key Facts
- Optional second RF path from 100 kHz to 2.2/3 GHz
- Up to two complete baseband paths
- Support of 3GPP LTE FDD and TDD, LTE Advanced, 3GPP FDD/HSPA/HSPA+, GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution, TD-SCDMA, WLAN, and all other important digital standards
- 2×2 MIMO with realtime fading possible
- Two instruments combinable for 2×4 or 4×2 MIMO
- Optional fading simulator with up to 40 fading paths
- I/Q modulator with 200 MHz RF bandwidth
- Optional baseband generator with realtime coder and arbitrary waveform generator
- Outstanding RF performance
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
R&S CMU200 無線綜合測試儀 (USED)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ 概要 (Overview):
The Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 Universal Radio Communication Tester is part of a complete range of mobile radio test equipment, encompassing everything from conformance test systems to system simulators, turnkey functional board test/final test systems and simple sales-counter Go/NoGo testers.
The base unit with its standard-independent module test provides many general purpose measurement facilities for the development of all kinds of standards within its wide and continuous frequency range. If extended by the appropriate options, the Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 Tester offers the hardware and software necessary to handle your 3G, 2.5G and previous generation testing applications, including analog.
The completely modular design of hardware and software components in the Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 Tester eliminates unnecessary investments right from the start merely because a feature might be needed at some point in the future.
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
R&S FSP40 頻譜分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ 規格(Specification)
- Frequency range 9 kHz to 40 GHz
- Resolution bandwidth 1 Hz to 10 MHz
- Displayed average noise level -155 dBm (1 Hz)
- Phase noise -113 dB (1 Hz) at 10 kHz
- Additional filters:
- Channel filters from 100 Hz to 5 MHz and RRC filters
- FFT filters from 1Hz to 30 kHz
- EMI bandwidths and quasi-peak detector
- Measurement functions for TOI, MC ACP(R), OBW, CCDF, APD, etc
- Measurement applications for cellular standards and general purpose, e.g. phase noise, noise figure, etc.
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):