Tektronix TPS2012B 數位儲存示波器 (NEW)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
☞ 直接購買: https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?22120542513322
– 安裝 2 顆電池即可持續運作 8 小時,熱插拔功能可讓您享受幾乎不受交流電源限制的使用自由
– 利用 OpenChoice® 軟體或內建的 CompactFlash® 大量儲存裝置快速記錄並分析量測結果
– 標配 FFT
– 進階觸發可快速擷取目標事件
– 傳統的類比式旋鈕與多語言使用者介面,操作簡便
– 利用自動設定功能表、自動範圍、波形、設定記憶及內建的智慧型輔助說明進行快速設定與操作
– 11 種最重要的自動波形量測
– 保固: 3年
– 隔離通道: 2
– 頻寬: 100 MHz
– 上升時間: 3.5 ns
– 各通道取樣率: 1.0 GS/秒
– 記錄長度: 2.5k 點
Audio Precision APX585 B Series 音頻分析儀 (NEW)
The B Series APx585 is a true multichannel audio analyzer, with 8 simultaneous analog outputs and inputs. It is ideal for designing and testing consumer devices such as home theatre receivers or pro devices such as mixing consoles.
Key Specifications
System Performance
Resdual THD+N (20kHz BW): -103dB + 1.4μV , Typical <-108dB
Generator Performance
Sine Frequency Range: 5Hz to 80.1 kHz
Frequency Accuracy: 3ppm
IMD Test Signals: SMPTE, MOD, DFD
Maximum Amplitude (balanced): 14.4 Vrms
Amplitude Accuracy: ±0.05 dB
Flatness (20 Hz – 20 kHz):±0.008 dB
Analog Output Configurations: Unbalanced and balanced
Digital Output Sampling Rate: 27 kS/s to 200 kS/s*
Dolby / DTS Generator: Yes (encoded file)
Analyzer Performance
Maximum Rated Input Voltage: 160 Vpk
Maximum Bandwidth: 1 to 16 channels of analog input 90 kHz
IMD Measurement Capability: SMPTE, MOD, DFD
Amplitude Accuracy (1 kHz): ±0.05 dB
Amplitude Flatness (20 Hz – 20 kHz): ±0.008 dB
Residual Input Noise (20 kHz BW): 1.3 µV
Individual Harmonic Analyzer: d2–d10
Maximum FFT Length: 1248K points
DC Voltage Measurement: Yes
Audio Precision APx 555 B Series 2 Channels 音頻分析儀 (NEW or USED)
A culmination of 30 years’ experience making test equipment recognized as the standard of the audio industry, the B Series APx555 is an analyzer without compromise. It combines the best analog performance we have ever delivered with complete support for all APx digital I/O options and fast, intuitive measurement software. With the introduction of the B Series, the APx555 further lowers analog system residual distortion at sinewave frequencies above 50 kHz over the full 1 MHz bandwidth.
Key Specifications
System Performance
Generator Performance
Sine Frequency Range: 0.001 Hz – 80 kHz, DAC, 5 Hz – 204 kHz, Analog
Frequency Accuracy: 3 ppm, DAC, 30 ppm, Analog (Precision Tune)
IMD Test Signals: SMPTE & MOD, DFD, DIM
Maximum Amplitude: 26.66 Vrms bal, 13.33 Vrms unbal (10 Hz to 100 kHz)
Amplitude Accuracy (1 kHz): ±0.03 dB (+15° C to +30° C)
Flatness (5 Hz – 20 kHz): ±0.008 dB
Analog Output Configurations: Unbalanced, balanced (differential or single-ended) or CMTST
Digital Output Sampling Rate: 27 kS/s to 200 kS/s*
ADC Test VBias Range: –0.4 to +4.2 VDC
Analyzer Performance
Maximum Rated Input Voltage: 300 Vrms (bal) / 160 Vrms (unbal)
Maximum Bandwidth: > 1 MHz
IMD Measurement Capability: SMPTE & MOD, DFD, DIM
Amplitude Accuracy (1 kHz): ±0.03 dB (+15° C to +30° C)
Amplitude Flatness (10 Hz – 20 kHz): ±0.008 dB
Residual Input Noise (22 kHz BW): ≤ 1.0 μVrms
Individual Harmonic Analyzer: H2-H10
Maximum FFT Length: 1248K points
DC Voltage Measurement: Yes
網路分析儀Agilent E5071C 485(Opt. 1E5/TDR)(USED)
▶ 直接購買:https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?22115739294960
▶ 概要(Overview):
Keysight E5071C ENA網路分析儀可提供同級產品中最高的 RF 效能及最快的速度,並搭配廣大頻率範圍和多用途的功能。Keysight E5071C 對於製造及研發工程師在評估 RF 元件以及 9 kHz 至 20 GHz 的電路時,是相當理想的解決方案。
▶ 特色(Features):
1) 9 kHz 至 4.5/6.5/8.5/14/20 GHz* 2 或 4 埠,50 Ω,S 參數測試儀
2) 具有 130 dB 寬動態範圍、8 ms 快速量測速度和 0.005 dB/℃ 的出色溫度穩定度,可改善量測準確度、提高產品良率並增進設計邊限
3) 增強時域分析選項可對高速串列互連進行全面特性分析,可提供您的設計自信度
4) 所有選項均可升級,充分保障您的投資
▶ 測試參數(Test Parameters):
– 動態範圍 123 dB
– 輸出功率 10 dBm
– 軌跡雜訊 0.003 dBrms
– 內建埠數 2 或 4埠
– 諧波 -25 dBc
– 雜訊底線 -131 dBm
– 201點,單次掃描的最佳速度 5 ms
– 應用 S 參數 / 多埠 / 平衡量測
– 元件 纜線 / 混頻器/轉頻器 / 放大器 / 諧振器
– 桌上型: 是
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
Tektronix TDS5104B 數位螢光示波器 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
☞ 直接購買: https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?22115783869451
— 頻寬: 1 GHz
— 通道數: 4 Channels
— 記錄長度: 16M
— 上升時間: 300ps
— 垂直解析度: 8 bits
Audio Precision APx-525 B Series 音頻分析儀 (USED)
直接購買: https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?22113452732530
另售有 Audio Precision APx 525 B Series dio、Audio Precision APx 525 B Series duo BT 及APx 526 B Series,歡迎選購。
The APx52x B Series of audio analyzers combines our award-winning user interface and legendary performance with a comprehensive range of modular I/O options. The APx52x B Series brings AP innovations such as one-click measurements, code-free automation and sophisticated reporting to every interface in every combination.
The B Series APx525 ships with two channels of analog I/O and our Digital Interface Option (DIO) with AES/SPDIF digital inputs and outputs, and includes ASIO capability.
If you need more than that, APx526 is ready with a full range of choices, from additional channels of analog to a chip-level digital serial interface (DSIO), HDMI+ARC, PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) or Bluetooth® wireless technology with built-in radio.
Need higher analog performance? With the BW52 enhanced analog bandwidth option installed, you can make a million-point FFT spectrum acquisition at 24 bits, across a bandwidth of DC to over 1 MHz on two channels. And with the AG52 enhanced analog generator option, typical system THD+N is as low as –110 dB.
Key Features and Functions
System Performance
● Residual THD+N (20 kHz BW)
–105 dB + 1.3 µV
Typical <–108 dB (1 kHz, 2.5 V)
Typical <–110 dB (1 kHz, 2.5 V) [with AG52]
Generator Performance
● Sine Frequency Range
0.1Hz to 80.1 kHz
● Square Frequency Range [requires AG52]
10.0 Hz to 30.0 kHz
● Frequency Accuracy
3 ppm
Tektronix TDS3012B 數位螢光示波器 (USED)
頻寬: 100 MHz
頻道數: 2
取樣率: 1.25 GS/s
最大紀錄長度: 10K 點
垂直解析度: 9 位元
垂直靈敏度: 1mV /div ~ 10V /div
垂直準確度: ± 2%
新款Keithley 2400多功能電錶 (USED)
新款Keithley 2400多功能電錶 二手機附校正報告
- 20 瓦時效能最高可達 200V / 1A
- 搭配 6 位半解析度的 0.012% 基本量測精確度
- 2 線、4 線和 6 線遠端 V 電源和量測感應
- 搭配 KickStart 軟體使用
— 觸控式螢幕: 否
— 通道: 1
— 最大電流來源/量測範圍: 200V
— 量測解析度 (電流/電壓) : 1pA / 100nV
— 電源: 20 W
Tektronix太克 A621電流探棒 (NEW)
A621 2000 Amp AC Current probe/BNC
This industrial-style clamp-on probe has a BNC connector and can be used with a shrouded banana plug adapter so it can be used on digital multimeters, TekMeter, and oscilloscopes. The A621 can measure AC currents from 100 mA to 2000 A peak over a frequency range of 5 Hz to 50 kHz. It provides a 1 mV, 10 mV, or 100 mV output for each Amp measured.
– AC – 5 Hz to 50 kHz
– 100 mA to 2000 A peak
– For DMMs and oscilloscopes
– Clamp on
Anritsu MT8852B 藍牙測試儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
☞ 直接購買: https://www.ruten.com.tw/item/show?21814843405303
▶ 特點及規格(Features and Specification)
- 依照藍牙射頻測試規格執行測試
- 符合藍牙核心規格 1.2、2.0、2.1、3.0+HS、4.0、4.1、4.2、5.0
- 經 Bluetooth SIG 認證適合進行射頻量測
- 支援 9 種基本速率和 6 個 EDR 測試案例
- 支援 27 種藍牙低功耗測試案例
- 單一指令執行基本速率、EDR 和藍牙低功耗測試
- 音訊測試功能,提供 3 條 SCO 通道,µ-Law、A-Law 和 CVSD 空中介面
- BlueSuite Pro3 軟體提供調變、功率斜波、單個通道量測和接收器靈敏度搜索的圖形化軌跡
- 藍牙設備的適應性跳頻(AFH)測試功能
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):