R&S ZVA24 向量網路分析儀 (USED)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
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(華甸科技二手儀器) R&S ZVA24 300 kHz to 24 GHz, 2 port
** 含選件 B4/B16/B21/B23/B31/B32/B34 K4/K2/K5/K9/K30
– 概要(Overview):
The R&S ZVA24 Network Analyzer is the high-end class of the Rohde & Schwarz network analyzer . It combines operating ease and high measurement speed uniformly implemented with exceptional RF characteristics, a wide scope of functions, and high flexibility.
The ZVA24 is ideal for filter measurements requiring maximum dynamic range to and non measurements on amplifiers, mixers, as well as receivers and transceivers.
— Linear and non amplifier and mixer measurements
— Noise figure measurements
— Pulse profile measurements with 12.5 ns resolution
— True differential measurements for reliable characterization of active devices with balanced ports
— High output power typ. > 15 dBm
— Wide dynamic range typ. > 140 dB
— High measurement speed < 3.5 µs per test point
— Wide IF bandwidth: 1/5/30 MHz
— Versatile calibration techniques: TOSM, TRL/LRL, TOM, TRM, TNA, UOSM
— Automatic calibration units available
— Phase and group delay measurements on mixers with and without LO access
— Frequency range: 300 kHz to 24 GHz