Tektronix TDS5104 示波器 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
TDS5104 數位示波器
– 通道數: 4
– 頻寬: 1GHz
– 上升時間: 300ps
Tektronix TDS3054B 數位示波器 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
— 通道數: 4
— 頻寬: 500MHz
— 記錄長度: 10k 點
— 垂直解析度: 9 bit
— 靈敏度: 1 mV/div to 10V/div
— 垂直準確度: ±2%
— 最大輸入電壓: (1 MΩ) 150V rms CAT I
— 輸入耦合: 50Ω, 1MΩ, AC, DC, GND
— 時基準確度: 20ppm
— 時基範圍: 1 ns – 10s
— 搭配探棒: P6139A
R&S SMU200A 信號產生器 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ Key Facts
- Optional second RF path from 100 kHz to 2.2/3 GHz
- Up to two complete baseband paths
- Support of 3GPP LTE FDD and TDD, LTE Advanced, 3GPP FDD/HSPA/HSPA+, GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution, TD-SCDMA, WLAN, and all other important digital standards
- 2×2 MIMO with realtime fading possible
- Two instruments combinable for 2×4 or 4×2 MIMO
- Optional fading simulator with up to 40 fading paths
- I/Q modulator with 200 MHz RF bandwidth
- Optional baseband generator with realtime coder and arbitrary waveform generator
- Outstanding RF performance
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
R&S CMU200 無線綜合測試儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ 概要 (Overview):
The Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 Universal Radio Communication Tester is part of a complete range of mobile radio test equipment, encompassing everything from conformance test systems to system simulators, turnkey functional board test/final test systems and simple sales-counter Go/NoGo testers.
The base unit with its standard-independent module test provides many general purpose measurement facilities for the development of all kinds of standards within its wide and continuous frequency range. If extended by the appropriate options, the Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 Tester offers the hardware and software necessary to handle your 3G, 2.5G and previous generation testing applications, including analog.
The completely modular design of hardware and software components in the Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 Tester eliminates unnecessary investments right from the start merely because a feature might be needed at some point in the future.
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
Audio Precision SYS-2722 音頻分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ 概要(Overview):
The Audio Precision 2722 Audio Analyzer is the flagship model of Audio Precision’s award-winning PC-controlled audio analyzers, long the recognized worldwide standard for the design and test of audio equipment. The fullfeatured SYS-2722 provides the unmatched distortion and noise performance required to test the latest advances in converter technology, combined with 192k digital input and output capabilities.
The AP SYS-2722 features true dual domain architecture which enables uncompromised measurement of both analog and digital signals: the hardware generator and analyzer specifications surpass those of any digital configuration, while digital analysis techniques offer a wide array of precise, high-speed measurement techniques for either domain. Cross-domain work can be accomplished using the best of both worlds.
▶ 特色/規格 Features and Specification:
Features of the Audio Precision SYS-2722 Audio Analyzer include:
- The unparalleled precision of a dedicated hardware instrument.
- Fast instrument operation and powerful analysis under sophisticated control software.
- Programmatic control for high-speed automation.
- Serial digital interface testing.
- Flexible configuration options.
- A family of auxiliary instruments for specialized testing.
- AES3, IEC60958 (SPDIF) and PSIA input and output sample rates at 192 kHz.
Specifications of the System 2 SYS-2722 Cascade include:
- Low Distortion
- Analog system 1 kHz THD+N, 20 kHz BW = –112 dB (Typical worst case harmonic < –130 dB)
- Digital generator distortion/spurious products =– 160 dB
- High Bandwidth
- Analog signal generation to 204 kHz
- Analog measurements to 500 kHz
- Analysis by FFTs and Multitone to 120 kHz
- Low Noise
- Analog analyzer 22 Hz–22 kHz BW = –118 dBu
- Analog analyzer A-weighted = –124 dBu
- Flat Response
- Analog system 20 Hz–20 kHz Typically ± 0.003 dB
- Low Crosstalk
- Analog inputs 20 Hz–20 kHz = –140 dB
- Analog output 20 Hz–20 kHz = –120 dB
- Low Jitter
- 700 Hz–100 kHz BW = 600 ps
- 50 Hz–100 kHz BW = 1.0 ns
- FFT Acquisitions
- Up to 4 M Samples (87 s @ 48 kHz Fs)
Aeroflex IFR-3414 RF Generator 信號產生器 (NEW)
Key Features & Specifications
- Fast RF frequency and level settling for high speed testing
- High performance vector modulation for improved component test
- Optional dual channel arbitrary waveform generator (ARB)
- Low adjacent channel power for receiver selectivity and amplifier linearity testing
- Fast GPIB response to maximize ATE system performance
- IQCreator RF waveform creation software
- Wide bandwidth FM and AM modulation capability
- Optional high speed pulse modulation capability
- Compact, lightweight package
- Simple-to-use touch panel interface
The IFR 3414, 250 kHz to 4 GHz Digital RF Signal Generator, provide peak output power of up to +16 dBm. With a level resolution of 0.01 dB, repeatable and accurate testing of wireless components can be performed.
The 3410 series are portable, lightweight signal generators covering a wide range of carrier frequencies to 6 GHz. High quality analog and vector modulation capabilities make these signal generators ideal for research, development and manufacturing applications.
Careful attention to the design of the modulators and the RF system ensures that these signal generators exhibit low levels of adjacent channel power, making them suitable for the most demanding amplifier linearity and receiver selectivity measurements.
The use of IFR fractional N synthesis techniques, combined with fast level control and an electronic attenuator, ensures the 3410 series signal generators are both frequency and level agile for high speed ATE testing.
Aeroflex IFR-3413 RF Generator 信號產生器 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
概要 (Overview):
The 3413 is a 3 GHz RF Generator from IFR . An RF generator is a tool engineers use to generate sinusoidal outputs while testing electronic equipment. The output will automatically have its frequency varied or swept between frequencies. A “sweep” is one complete cycle of a frequency variation. Engineers use RF signal generators as test equipment, mostly to measure responses of filters, amplifiers, and electrical components.
Anritsu MT8820C 無線通訊綜合測試儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
▶ 規格及特點(Features and Specification):
- LTE-Advanced DL CA 以及 LTE 行動終端的 RF 測試
- 針對 RF Tx 主要測試項目做批次測量
- 同樣支援 RF Rx 的測試項目
- 優異的操作性,減少產線測試和維護的時間
- 可向下相容至 MT8820A/B
- Parallelphone™ 測量
▶ 產地(Manufacturer):
Audio Precision AUX-0025/0040/0100 濾波器 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
直接購買: 點撃直接進行購買~
The Audio Precision AUX-0025 / 0040 / 0100 switching amplifier measurement filters are designed to be inserted between the device under test and an analyzer input, to reduce out-of-band switching signal components before measurement. The filters use a passive design for optimal performance, with custom inductors designed for high power handling and minimal low-frequency distortion.
AUX0025 |
AUX0100 |
AUX0040 |
通道數 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
頻率響應 |
±0.05 dB, 10 Hz 到 20 kHz |
±0.08 dB, 20 Hz to 40 kHz |
插入損耗 |
典型值 0.054 dB |
高頻衰減 |
典型值 >50 dB, 250 kHz 到 20 MHz |
典型值 > 52 dB, 400 kHz to 20 MHz |
最大輸入 |
±200 Vpeak [140 Vrms], dc to 7.5 kHz, 從20 kHz 到 2 MHz下降到75 Vpk [53 Vrms] |
±200 Vpk [140 Vrms], dc to 15 kHz, 從40 kHz 到 2 MHz下降到75 Vpk [53 Vrms] |
串音 |
90 dB at 20 kHz |
82 dB at 20 kHz |
90 dB at 20 kHz |
失真 |
< -110 dB諧波失真 (measured at 70 Vpp, 1 kHz) |
Audio Precision APX525 音頻分析儀 (USED)
☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
APx525 has two balanced and two unbalanced analog inputs and outputs plus 216k digital inputs and outputs via AES/EBU, TOSLINK and SPDIF. APx526 is the four-channel version of the APx525, developed for the four channel head units typical of the automotive audio industry.
Additionally, I/O may be expanded with optional Digital Serial (APx525 and APx526), HDMI + ARC (APx525), PDM (APx525 and APx526) and Bluetooth (APx525 and APx526) modules. Additionally, the optional Advanced Master Clock (AMC) module handles input and output clock signals to synchronize the APx52x Series with external equipment (or vice versa), and the AMC also enables jitter generation and analysis (in conjunction with Advanced Digital, Digital Serial or PDM modules).