關於我們 About Huatien
華甸科技提供各式新機與二手電子測試儀器,包含信號產生器、頻譜分析儀、EMI接收器…等,知名大廠如:是德Keysight (原安捷倫Agilent/HP)、羅德史瓦茲 R&S、太克Tektronix、安立知Anritsu、吉時利Keithley、萊特波特Litepoint、立肯Lecroy、福祿克Fluke、愛德萬Advantest…皆為本公司之銷售項目,品質穩定且價格公道。另外華甸也是大陸安泰信Atten/國睿安泰信Gratten的台灣代理商,主要提供低階、高效能的平價儀器及電源供應器等。

Good Service

Problem Solving

Huatien Technology provides various new & used test equipments, such as signal generator, spectrum analyzer, network analyzer & EMI receivers…etc. of well-known brands: Keysight, R&S, Tektronix, Anritsu, Keithley, Litepoint, Lecroy, Fluke, Advantest with good quality and low cost. We are also the agent of China brand Atten/Gratten in Taiwan, which supply basic & high efficient test equipment and power supply with affordable price.
RF connectors, cable assembly, attenuator, pre-amplifier, antenna…etc. are also our major products. We can provide customized service to fulfill your needs.Our services include: test equipment rental, maintenance, detective unit recycling.
Huatien has more than 30 years experiences related to the RF test equipment & connectors. We understand customer’s expectations for the wireless communications industry and innovate constantly in order to meet the customer’s needs and preferences.