Siglent SSA3015X PLUS 頻譜分析儀 (NEW)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
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Siglent SSA3015X Plus 特點:
– 先進的微波技術和現代數字處理算法,功能豐富,性能優異
– 標配前置放大器,遠程控制指令集,EasySpectrum上位機軟件
– SSA3000X Plus可作為網路分析儀使用
– 配合跟踪信號源,可測量濾波器傳輸響應,線纜插損
– 具備EVM,幅度和相位偏移誤差,IQ偏移誤差,增益不平衡等多種數據分析能力
– 具備眼圖,星座圖,相位圖,時域,頻域,誤差域等多種分析格式
– 多點電容觸摸屏,支持鼠標和鍵盤
– 支持屏幕編輯和保護
– 頻率範圍: 9 KHz~1.5 GHz
– 解析頻寬(RBW): 1 Hz~1 MHz
– 相位噪聲: < -98 dBc/Hz(1 GHz,偏移 10 kHz,典型值)
– 全幅度精度: < 0.7 dB
– 顯示平均噪聲電平 (DANL): -161 dBm/Hz
– 跟蹤信號源: 5 MHz – 1.5 GHz
Siglent SSA3021X Plus 頻譜分析儀 (NEW)

☞ 歡迎來電詢價 ☎ 06-2995705
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Siglent SSA3021X Plus 特點:
– 先進的微波技術和現代數字處理算法,功能豐富,性能優異
– 標配前置放大器,遠程控制指令集,EasySpectrum上位機軟件
– SSA3000X Plus可作為網路分析儀使用
– 配合跟踪信號源,可測量濾波器傳輸響應,線纜插損
– 具備EVM,幅度和相位偏移誤差,IQ偏移誤差,增益不平衡等多種數據分析能力
– 具備眼圖,星座圖,相位圖,時域,頻域,誤差域等多種分析格式
– 多點電容觸摸屏,支持鼠標和鍵盤
– 支持屏幕編輯和保護
– 頻率範圍: 9 KHz~1.5 GHz
– 解析頻寬(RBW): 1 Hz~1 MHz
– 相位噪聲: < -98 dBc/Hz(1 GHz,偏移 10 kHz,典型值)
– 全幅度精度: < 0.7 dB
– 顯示平均噪聲電平 (DANL): -161 dBm/Hz
– 支援AM/FM(Opt.)模擬調製分析,以及ASK/FSK/PSK/MSK/QAM(Opt.)數字調試分析
– 跟蹤信號源: 100 kHz – 2.1 GHz
SIGLENT SDM3045X Digital Multimeter 複合式電錶 (NEW)

Product Overview
SDM3045X is a 4½ digit digital (66,000 count) multimeter incorporating a dual-display and is especially well suited for the needs of high-precision, multifunction and automatic measurement.
Key Features
◆ Real 4½ digit (66,000 count) readings resolution
◆ Up to 150 rdgs/s measurement speed
◆ True-RMS AC Voltage and AC Current measuring
◆ 1 Gb NAND flash size, Mass storage configuration files and data files
◆ Built-in cold terminal compensation for thermocouple
◆ With easy, convenient and flexible PC software: EasyDDM
◆ Standard interface: USB Device, USB Host, LAN
◆ User-friendly Design
• 4.3” TFT-LCD, 480*272
• Support dual display, Chinese and English Menu
• Built-in front panel accessible help system
• File management (support for USB Driver and local storage)
◆ USB & LAN remote interfaces support common SCPI command set. Compatible with other popular DMMs on the market.
售價:USD 389
SIGLENT SDM3055 / SDM3055-SC 5 ½ Digits Dual-Display Digital Multimeters 複合式電錶 (NEW)

Product Overview
The SDM3055/SDM3055-SC is a digital multimeter designed with 5 ½ digits readings resolution and dual-display, especially ftting to the needs of high-precision, multifunction and automatic measurement.
Key Features
• Real 5½ digits readings resolution ( 240, 000 counts )
• Up to 150 rdgs/s measurement speed
• True-RMS AC Voltage and AC Current measuring
• 1 Gb Nand flash size, Mass storage configuration files and data files
• Built-in cold terminal compensation for thermocouple temperature measurements
• With easy, convenient and flexible PC software: EasyDMM
• standard interfaces: USB Host, LAN ( Optional Accessories USB-GPIB Adapter )
• Scanner Card SC1016 ( Only for SDM3055-SC )
• Support remote control operation via SCPI commands.Compatible with commands of main stream multimeters
售價:SDM3055-USD 469
SDN3055SC-USD 728
SIGLENT SDM3065X / SDM3065X-SC 6 ½ Digits Dual-Display Digital Multimeters 複合式電錶 (NEW)

Product Overview
The SDM3065X / SDM3065X-SC is a 6 ½ digit DMM(digital multimeter with 2,200,000 counts) incorporating a dual –display. The SDM3065X series is especially well-suited for the needs of high-accuracy and high-precision applications measurement.
Key Features
•4.3” TFT-LCD, 480*272
• Real 6½ digits readings resolution (2,200,000 counts)
• 1Gb Nand flash size, Mass storage configuration files and data files
• True-RMS AC Voltage and AC Current measuring
• Supports double display, Chinese and English Menu
• File management (support for U-disc and local storage)
• Built-in cold terminal compensation for thermocouple
• measurement control software: EasyDMM
• Standard interfaces: USB Device, USB Host, LAN (Optional Accessories: USB-GPIB Adapter)
• Scanner Card SC1016 (Only for SDM3065X-SC)
• Standard interfaces: USB Device, USB Host, LAN (Optional Accessories: USB-GPIB Adapter and Scanner Card SC1016)
• Built-in Hlep system makes information acquisition easier
• Support remote control operation via SCPI commands. Compatible with commands of other main stream multimeters
• Supports intelligent management system for laboratory based on BS framework and LAN
售價:SDM3065X-US$ 729 SDM3065X-SC–US$988
SIGLENT SVA1000X Series Spectrum & Vector Network Analyzers 頻譜與向量網路分析儀

Product Overview
The SIGLENT SVA1000X series spectrum & vector network analyzers are powerful and flexible tools for broadcast and RF device testing. With a wide frequency range from 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz, the analyzer delivers reliable automatic measurements and plenty of features including a tracking generator and multiple modes of operation: the base model is a swept super-heterodyne spectrum analyzer and optional functions include a vector network analyzer, a Frequency Domain Reflectometer based distance-to-fault locator, and a modulation analyzer. Applications include broadcast monitoring/evaluation, site surveying, EMI pre-compliance, research and development, education, production and maintenance.
Key Features
◆ All-Digital IF TechnologyAll-Digital IF Technology
◆ Frequency Range from 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz
◆ -156 dBm/Hz Displayed Average Noise Level (Typ.)
◆ -99 dBc/Hz @10 kHz Offset Phase Noise (1 GHz, Typ.)
◆ Level Measurement Uncertainty < 1.2 dB (Typ.)
◆ 1 Hz Minimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)
◆ Preamplifer Standard
◆ Tracking Generator Standard
◆ Vector Network Analysis (Opt.)
◆ Distance To Fault (Opt.)
◆ Modulation Analysis (Opt.)
◆ EMI Pre-compliance Test Kit (Opt.)
◆ Advanced Measurement Kit (Opt.)
◆ 10.1 lnch (1024×600) Multi-Touch Screen, Mouse and Keyboard supported
◆ Web Browser Remote Control on PC and Mobile Terminals
SIGLENT SSA3000X Series Spectrum Analyzers 頻譜分析儀 (NEW)

Product Overview
Siglent’s SSA3000X family of spectrum analyzers offer a frequency range of 9 KHz to 2.1 GHz / 3.2 GHz. With their light weight, small size, and friendly user interface, the SSA3000s present a bright easy to read display, powerful and reliable automatic measurements, and plenty of impressive features. Applications are many, but include research and development, education, production, maintenance, and many more.
售價:SSA3021X–US$ 1395 SSA3032X–US$ 2595

SIGLENT SPD3303C Series Programmable DC Power Supply 電源供應器 (NEW)

Product Overview
The SPD3303C is a LED display screen programmable linear DC power supply that is both lightweight and feature-packed. It has three independent outputs: two sets of adjustable voltage and a fixed set of selectable voltages; 2.5V, 3.3V, and 5V. In addition, the ‘3303C has outputs that are short-circuit and overload protected. Total power is 220W. It has three available operation modes; independent, series and parallel modes. The SPD3300C has a high performance-to-price ratio and can be used in various types of production, education and research environments.
Key Features
◆ 3 independent high precision outputs:30V/3.2A*2, 2.5V/ 3.3V/ & 5V/ 3.2A*1, total 220W power
◆ 4 digits voltage and 3 digits current display, min resolution: 10mV, 10mA
◆ Three output modes: independent, series and parallel
◆ 100V/120V/220V/230V compatible design, to meet the needs of various power grids
◆ Smart temperature controlled fan, effectively reduces the noise
◆ Save/Recall 5 group system set-ups, supports data storage expansion
◆ Connected to PC via USB Device, support SCPI command, to meet the control and communication needs
Design Features
The SPD3303C exhibits high resolution, 10 mV / 10 mA, providing the user with excellent settability and read back accuracy. In addition, it maintains its ability to change output voltage or current in small increments while fully meeting the power requirements of the load.
Series/parallel/independent output modes
Series-parallel function combines two power supplies into one and makes it very convenient for many applications. The 3303C has three independent outputs which can be controlled separately and also be turned on or off separately or at the same time.
售價:SPD3303C–US$ 289
SIGLENT SPD3303X / SPD3303X-E Series Programmable DC Power Supply 電源供應器 (NEW)

Product Overview
Siglent’s SPD3000X Series Programmable Linear DC Power Supply has a 4.3 inch TFT-LCD display, supports Remote Programming and has a Real Time Wave Display. The ‘3000X family has three isolated outputs; two adjustable channels and one selectable channel from 2.5v, 3.3V, and 5V. It also has output short and overload protection and can be used in production and development.
Key Features
◆ 3 independently controlled and isolated outputs: 32V/3.2A×2, 2.5V/3.3V/5V/3.2A×1, total 220W
◆ 5 digits Voltage, 4 digits Current Display, Minimum Resolution: 1mV/1mA (SPD3303X)
◆ Supports front panel timing output functions
◆ 4.3 inch true color TFT- LCD 480×272 display
◆ 3 types of output modes: independent, series, parallel
◆ 100V/120V/220V/230V compatible design to meet the needs of different power grids.
◆ Intelligent temperature-controlled fan, effectively reduces noise
◆ Clear graphical interface, with waveform display function
◆ Five internal groups of system parameter save/recall, supports data storage space expansion
◆ Provides PC software; Easypower, supports SCPI, LabView drive
High-resolution / high-precision output
The highest resolution of 1mV/1mA (SPD3303X), provides excellent setting and read back accuracy. This ensures accurate output even with very with small changes in voltage or current. This is impossible with a low resolution power supply.
Series/parallel/independent mode functions
Series and parallel functions allows for combining two channels into one output with more power output capability, extending the application range. Each of 3 channels power can be turned on or off independently and also can be turned all on or all off.
售價:SPD3303X–US$539 SPD3303X-E–US$389
SIGLENT SPD1000X Series Programmable DC Power Supply 電源供應器(16V和30V) (NEW)

Product Overview
SPD1000X Programmable Linear DC Power Supply has a 2.8 inch TFT-LCD display, features remote computer control capability, and real time wave display, to deliver high performance and ease-of-use. The SPD1168X features a high precision programmable output capable of delivering up to 16 V ,theSPD1305X features a high precision programmable output capable of delivering up to 30 V and also includes a 4-wire sense function for more accurate voltage sourcing, especially for long leads or high resistance connections. There are additional output short and overload protect functions to assist in production and development applications.
Key Features
- ▶ Single path high-precision programmable voltage output:
- SPD1168X——16 V/8 A,total power up to 128 W
- SPD1305X——30 V/5 A,total power up to 150 W
- ▶ Stable, reliable, Low ripple and noise:≤ 350 uVrms/3 mVpp; < 2 mArms
- ▶ Fast transient response time: < 50 μs
- ▶ 5 digit Voltage, 4 digit Current Display, Minimum Resolution: 1 mV/1 mA
- ▶ Supports front panel timing output functions
- ▶ 2.8 inch true color TFT- LCD 240 *320 display
- ▶ 2 types of output modes:Two-wire output mode, 4-wire compensation output mode,Maximum compensation voltage 1V
- ▶ 100/120/220/230 V compatible design to meet the needs of different power grids
- ▶ Intelligent temperature-controlled fanreduces noise
- ▶ Clear graphical interface, with the waveform display function
- ▶ Internal 5 groups of system parameter save/recall
- ▶ Includes PC software: Easypower, supports SCPI, LabView driver
售價:SPD1168X–US$ 259 SPD1305X–US$279